Give a Shirt!

According to the DEPT. of Justice, every year over 1.7 MILLION teens experience homelessness in the US and 34% of the entire homeless population is under 24. 

Many of these young people have been kicked out of their homes by a parent or guardian, or run away due to abuse. Yes, some of these teens even go to your local school! I was appalled to learn the number of homeless teens who still attend school every day when I volunteered at our local high school.

I'm a parent of 3 amazing girls, and many of our designs are created by Jessy, Ally or Hannah!  Our intention in creating Apparent was to find a way to clothe homeless or couch-hopping teens who are often identified by wearing the same T-shirt day after day.

Thank you for joining us!   When you shop at Apparent, your purchase makes a difference in the lives of teens who can't afford clothes for school.

Every purchase you make at SHOPAPPARENT.COM makes a difference in the lives of homeless teens. When you shop at Apparent, you are GIVING a HOMELESS TEEN a SHIRT, SOCKS, a HOODIE or a much-needed JACKET.

Thank you for giving a shirt!